" Where are the Maldives located ? ".

 Where are the Maldives located ?. Maldives island location The Maldives is a group of islands located in the continent of Asia, specifically in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives consists of approximately 1,000 small islands; Where, together.

Where are the Maldives located ?

 they form a chain of 764 km in length. As for the northern part of the Maldives, it extends 600 km towards the southern side of India. The city of Male is the official and national capital of the state.

 The system of government in the Maldives is republican; It is officially known as the Republic of the Maldives, and the president is elected based on general elections for a period of five years.

 along with the Prime Minister, who helps him follow up the management of all state affairs, and there is a legislative council that supervises the local government of each island in the Maldives. 

 and the President of the Republic appoints the head of the commission judicial; In order to follow up the implementation of special legal texts in the country.

geography and climate.

 The climate in the Maldives is tropical, and it is affected by the monsoon winds that blow twice during the year; It blows for the first time from the southwestern side and is accompanied by rain.

 and extends from April to November. The second blow comes from the northeastern side, and its winds are considered dry. November) and remain until late March.

 and during this time period the weather is volatile; It rains heavily after the clouds gather, and then the sun rises again.

 The general weather condition is relatively mild in the Maldives; The minimum temperature reaches about 24.4 degrees Celsius, while the maximum reaches approximately 30.4 degrees Celsius.

  and the average daily temperatures reach the equivalent of 27.4 degrees Celsius, and the amount of precipitation is little from the north side to the north side. southern; The average rainfall in the northern Maldives is 3500 mm.

 while the average precipitation in the southern Maldives is about 2500 mm annually, and the rain water forms a group of small lakes.

 characterized by its clear and potable water. The Maldives beach area consists of white sand, and its lands are covered with plants, herbs and trees, including coconuts and tropical fruits.


 The population of the Maldives, according to 2016 statistics, is 392,960. The population density in the country is made up of many ethnic groups.

 the most important of which are South Indians, Sinhalese and Arabs. Dhivehi is the official language in the Maldives; It is one of the languages ​​derived from Sinhala.

 and the style of writing its texts is derived from the Arabic language, and the English language is used in government works. Islam is the official religion in the Maldives.

 and the rate of government spending on education, according to 2015 statistics, reached 5.7% of GDP.


 The economy sector in the Maldives is one of the developing economic sectors; It is classified as one of the world's poorest countries, and its economy depends on tourism.

 fishing and boat building, and the private income of individuals is considered one of the lowest rates in the world, and most of the population depends for their daily needs of food on fishing, coconuts.

 and the cultivation of tropical fruits and vegetables; Agricultural land is one of the geographical areas spread throughout the Maldives.

 For its financial revenues, the Maldivian economy depends on the export of fish as one of the important products, and it is sold to foreign companies as an economic export.

 The Maldives is visited by large numbers of tourists, especially during the winter months, and the economy depends on the handicraft sector.

 which includes making simple works or building boats, and India, Singapore and Sri Lanka are among the countries with which the Maldives share trade relations.


 In the past, the Maldives belonged to Sri Lanka, and in the year 1153 AD, Islam arrived in the Maldives, which led to the conversion of its ruler and all members of the people.

 and in the year 1343 AD the traveler Ibn Battuta arrived on the island and worked as a judge there. Sixteenth birthday.

 In the time period between 1656 AD - 1796 AD, the Maldives became under Dutch rule; Because the Dutch forces had occupied Sri Lanka, and in 1887 the Maldives officially became one of the British protectorates.

 and obtained its own autonomy in return for Britain to manage its foreign affairs. In the fifties of the twentieth century AD, disagreements occurred between Britain and the Maldives due to the British air base located on the island of Gan.

 which led to the separation of three islands belonging to the Maldives on its southern side, and the government in the Maldives accused Britain of supporting the rebellion movements, and the Maldivian government was able to eliminate to revolt once and for all.

 In 1960 AD, the Maldives signed an agreement with Britain that allowed the British forces to obtain freedom of air control in return for granting the Maldivian government the authority to manage most of its foreign affairs.

 The British government also promised to support economic development in the Maldives; By providing a financial grant of two million dollars, and on July 26, 1965 AD.

 Britain and the Maldives signed the Independence Agreement, which provided for the Maldives obtaining its full and official independence from Britain, and in 1968 the establishment of the Republic of the Maldives was officially announced.