What is the currency in the Maldives? The national currency of the country is the Maldivian rupiah. 1 rufiyaa - 100 GEL. Money in the Maldives is circulated in the form of coins and bills. In everyday life, banknotes - 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500 rufiyaa, coins - 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50 lari, but the state also allows us to pay in US dollars.

Which currency is used in Maldives

Import currency into the Maldives.

 Many countries impose some restrictions on the import of foreign or domestic currency, but the Maldives does not apply to them. There are no restrictions on importing or exporting currency, so you don't have to worry about that and bring any amount of currency into this account.  

Maldives currency exchange

 Currency exchange in the Maldives is carried out at an officially fixed rate at any bank or airport. Bank branches are open from 9 to 13:00 from Saturday to Thursday.

 Friday is considered a holiday in Muslim countries. As for the small (tourist) islands: they advise you to pay there with small bills, you simply will not find a change from the big islands. The course is everywhere.

Prices and tips, currencyin the maldives.

 Prices in the Maldives are not the lowest. In Male, for example, you can relax for $35 per day, but at more expensive resorts a small room will cost you at least $50 per day.

 On average, hotel room rates start at $150. Food prices here are higher than European prices. What is interesting: meat in the Maldives is served only in higher-ranking hotels, and the locals are simply not used to meat dishes, they cook it only on holidays.

 Hint. Officially, tips are not accepted in the state, but if you are a modern European and it is important for you to thank the waiter, you can leave a dollar for the employee. Inexpensive restaurants and hotels, tips are automatically included in the check.

 Even though the national currency is the rufiyaa, the US dollar has an advantage. In this case, she says, the exchange is no longer needed, just enough to get the necessary supplies of dollars or any other currency in the world.

 This is partially true. The only place a tourist will pay in Rovi is the capital, the island of Male. But if you still exchange money, then there is no problem, you can buy the currency back at the bank or exchange office at the airport, before departure.

 Money in the Maldives is a cult. It's expensive, luxurious, and, at times, very sophisticated. The rest here is a real luxury! It is not so important which currency you decide to take to the Maldives, you can always buy in Russia. Travel wisely, economically, and profitably!